segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2009


('GREAT WALL' of China)

Sem cuidado nenhum, sem respeito nem pesar,
ergueram à minha volta altos muros de pedra.

E agora aqui estou, em desespero, sem pensar
noutra coisa: o infortúnio me depreda.

E eu que tinha tanta coisa por fazer lá fora!
Quando os ergueram, mal notei os muros, esses.

Não ouvi voz de pedreiro, um ruído que fora.
Isolaram-me do mundo sem que eu percebesse.

Konstantinos Kaváfis
Trad de Joaquim Manuel Magalhães e Nikos Pratsinis


With no consideration, no pity, no shame,
they have built walls around me, thick and high.
And now I sit here feeling hopeless.
I can't think of anything else: this fate gnaws my mind -
because I had so much to do outside.
When they were building the walls, how could I not have noticed!
But I never heard the builders, not a sound.
Imperceptibly they have closed me off from the outside world.

Constantine P. Cavafy


Χωρίς περίσκεψιν, χωρίς λύπην, χωρίς αιδώ
μεγάλα κ' υψηλά τριγύρω μου έκτισαν τείχη.

Και κάθομαι και απελπίζομαι τώρα εδώ.
Αλλο δεν σκέπτομαι: τον νουν μου τρώγει αυτή η τύχη·

διότι πράγματα πολλά έξω να κάμω είχον.
Α όταν έκτιζαν τα τείχη πώς να μην προσέξω.

Αλλά δεν άκουσα ποτέ κρότον κτιστών ή ήχον.
Ανεπαισθήτως μ' έκλεισαν από τον κόσμον έξω.

Κωνσταντίνος Π. Καβάφης (1896)

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